Against the backdrop of today’s volatile cyber threat landscape, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has become the new guardian of Pandora’s box in the boardroom. When the inevitable cybersecurity threat does rock a company, all heads are going to start turning toward the CISO if they haven’t already.
With the nation’s first cybersecurity regulations in New York State requiring companies to have a CISO and the Senate’s proposed cybersecurity disclosure bill on the horizon, the CISO’s increasing role in corporate governance is a certainty.
What CISOs are finding is they can either become the hero or the scapegoat when tragedy strikes. Of course, every CISO wants to be the hero. What steps should they take to ensure a successful outcome?
Every Company Needs a USSP™
There’s one thing every CISO wants to have and every board wants to hear: that the company has its own Unique Security Selling Proposition™. A USSP™ is one of the keys to setting companies apart from their competition and can be a company’s greatest strength in today’s cyberthreat environment.
If your company doesn’t have a USSP™, create one. Get on that path to protect your organization and have an answer that gives the C-suite peace of mind when the going gets rough.
The First Step Is Finding Your CISO
All of this being said, the first step is finding the best CISO candidate for your company. In today’s environment where one board member can send sensitive information over personal email and leave an entire organization open to risk, companies need to get the best CISO set up and ready.
At Ambassador Solutions, IT’s all about the people! We know nearly 1,000 CISOs and specialize in retained searches for InfoSec executives. Let us help you find the best guardian for your team.