The pandemic disrupted many areas of life, including talent acquisition and recruiting. In person interviews are now the exception to the prior rule. This will likely remain so even when the workplace finds its new normal. Thanks to recent advances in technology, most found the transition to a virtual recruiting world relatively easy. Many believe the new virtual way to work is a significant improvement of over our pre-pandemic ways, particularly the interviewing process.
Be IT video or in person, ours has always been the ultimate people business. We cannot allow the technology to replace the personal touch so vital to connecting with candidates and clients alike. After all, 75 percent of candidates say their experience during the hiring process influenced their decision to accept or reject a job offer. So, how do we optimize the high tech/high touch balance to create the ultimate candidate experience?
For starters, use technology to perform the administrative tasks that are typically part of the early stages of the hiring process. This allows recruiters and hiring managers more time for the high-value/high-touch recruiting tasks only people can execute. See below for ways to employ technology to handle the more arduous tasks throughout the recruiting process.
Technology has its limits. For instance, it can’t detect the candidate’s personality, predict how he/she would react in certain situations or their overall soft skills. Conversely, an experienced interviewer usually can judge a candidate’s emotional intelligence, communication skills and transferable skills better than an assessment tool.
Make your brand approachable and create excitement during every stage of the hiring process. People want to know what it’s like to work at your organization. Hiring managers should ensure the candidate’s beliefs and behaviors match your organization’s values and culture. Below are a few ways to see that they do:
Bottom line: Candidates enjoy automation to some extent, but they never tire of the personal touches that often separate employers of choice from their competitors.
Ambassador Solutions has been a trusted talent adviser to tech-savvy clients since 1989. For help finding the true IT pros needed to build your tech team, please contact us at: