Hey Pop, I Did It…I Wrote the Book!

In Business for Life by Brad Lindemann

The following is an excerpt from my first book, In Business For Life. I wrote the book for a number of reasons, but reason #1 was because I made a deathbed promised to my father that I would. While mustering motivation and archiving material for his own book, Pop ran out of time. The gold watch my father received from Sears & Roebuck the previous year stopped ticking when he was 60 years young on August 1, 1991. Three weeks later, his only son turned 35 and feels like he’s been aging in dog years ever since because:

When a man’s father dies, any excuse the son has clung to for not being the true man he was meant to be, dies with him

May 29, 2001

Hey Pop,

Mom said under the same circumstances, you would have done the same thing. I’m not sure about that. You always seemed more under control than I’ve felt most of my adult life. But times were easier then, right Pop? Maybe. I’m not sure about that either. If fact, I’m confused about most things these days. Sure wish you were here to unconfuse me, Pop.

Adult life? Mine with you contained 16 years on life’s shelf between two beers as bookends. Remember that illegal draft we shared just before I was married in 1976? I was neither old enough to drink nor marry, yet both worked out just fine. I’ve still never shared the secrets you shared with me that day. Never will. Been married to that cute little co-ed for 25 years now. I think we’re going to make it, but it hasn’t always been easy. Sure wish you were here to help us along the way, Pop.

About that second beer…our last one together. It was July of ‘91. Like always, you made the coffee that morning. That afternoon, we had a beer on the back patio. Mine went into a sick stomach and a broken heart. Yours, into a bag by your side. A few hours later, you walked me to my car and we said our last good-byes. Actually, what you said was, “See you later, son.” I’m holdin’ ya’ to that, Pop. Sure wish you were here now though, ‘cause I’m in a bit of trouble.

Remember that book you never got around to writing? Well, like I promised I would, I wrote it… for us. Sorry I sullied the family name in the process. Not the first book inspired by a jailhouse experience. Won’t be the last. Do you think the end can ever justify the means? I’m not sure. Guess I’m still confused about a lot of things. I miss you, Pop. Sure wish you were here. I’ll see ya’ later…I’m sure…I think.


Son One

In Business for Life by Brad Lindemann

In Business for Life
by Brad Lindemann

Your life has purpose. Find that purpose and you will find the fulfillment you long for. Miss it and you risk becoming what Zig Ziglar referred to as a “wandering generality.” God’s best for you is lived out in pursuit of His purpose for you. In Business For Life can help you find it.

“The author has a way with words! Funny, witty, enjoyable, and interesting. This is not the usual type of book I would read but I gave it a shot and I’m so glad I did. Well worth the read. Actually I think it would be a worthwhile read for anyone!”Dean Gleason

Purchase In Business for Life at Amazon.

Why I’m Thankful For Ellen DeGeneres

I saw this video of Ellen receiving her much deserved Medal of Freedom Award just before heading out to pick up our pasta-to-go from the neighborhood pizzeria. I’ve always admired Ellen, but upon watching this I was overwhelmed with what can only be described as love for her. Yes America, I love Ellen DeGeneres. And, I’m very thankful that God chose to weave her so warmly and winsomely into the tapestry of 21st century America. We are a better nation for it, as was so eloquently stated at the awards ceremony:

“Again and again, Ellen DeGeneres has shown that a single individual can make the world a more fun, more open, more loving place, so long as we just keep swimming.”

Though we’ve never met, I would jump at the opportunity to meet Ellen. And no doubt, I would be as overwhelmed by that moment, as she was by the moment when President Obama so genuinely honored her. It really shouldn’t matter that I’m 60 years old, white, Christian, conservative, pro-life and straight…but apparently it does to some. It should come as no surprise to anyone that I love my incredibly brilliant gay sister and awesome transgender niece unconditionally, though some think I deserve a merit badge for feeling such love. Others think I should be cast into the outer darkness, never to be heard from again. How screwed up is that? Such love comes as naturally as my next breath, deserving of neither a badge nor demonization. It’s just what love does, as renown author and global love trotter, Bob Goff, explains in his incredible book appropriately titled, Love Does.

Why I'm Thankful For Ellen DeGeneres

As I entered the restaurant to pick up our order, I came upon a large family saying their good-byes and blocking my way to the cash register. The matriarch was hugging everyone as they got up from the table. As she turned around to face me, I asked what in the moment seemed like a perfectly appropriate and obvious question –“can I have a hug?” Without hesitation, she very graciously obliged. After all, that’s what love does, doesn’t it?

How apropos that as I was leaving the restaurant with the ultimate comfort food in both hands (including cheesy-to-die-for garlic bread), there was a very courteous doorwoman there to greet me with a contagious smile. Yep, it was my hugger buddy. Reminding me one more time of why I’m so thankful to live in the greatest nation on earth.

So thankful that Fords (like people) now come in every color of the rainbow and it’s impossible to judge the content under their hoods by the color of their exteriors. So thankful that I’m free to choose to focus on that which unites us, while engaging in civil discourse on that which divides us. So thankful that there are Ellens and hugger buddies all over this great country who truly make it the “land of the free and the home of the brave“. So thankful that one day I just might meet one of my true American heroes. That hilarious little pip squeak with a wit as sharp as my turkey carving knife and eyes that simultaneously reveal her soul and penetrate mine.

If you happen to meet Ellen before I do, please let her know that I love her and am very thankful for her. But, please don’t tell her all that other stuff about me. I want to surprise her. And you know what, I won’t be at all surprised if she loves me too.

P.S. – Please tell Ellen one more thing for me. She looked absolutely stunning in that red plaid suit she was rockin’ at the White House awards ceremony. So much so, I caught myself hugging my laptop. But whatever you do, please don’t tell her that I ate three pieces of that cheese garlic bread during the mile and a half drive home, lest she think that is a bit over-the-top cheesy. That little fun fact could blow my chances of ever meeting her.

Photo credit to International Business Times

We Know CISOs

Video Transcript

Before becoming the Director of National Intelligence, friend and former Indiana Senator Dan Coats said, “Cyber threats have moved to the No. 1 spot as the most direct threat to America.” That’s why we are particularly focused on information security executive search. The future of our nation could well depend upon the leadership coming from the InfoSec executive ranks — both public and private sector.

Hi, I’m Brad Lindemann, CEO of Ambassador Solutions, an IT consulting and recruiting firm founded in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1989.

Last year we entered the IT Executive Search business believing two things:

  1. Many of today’s IT leaders will become tomorrow’s CEOs.
  2. The traditional executive search model is outmoded and irrational.

In contrast, our “Fair Fixed Fee” model is disrupting the executive search industry while our award-winning software seamlessly manages the entire process. You’re watching one example of our platform’s many robust features: a candidate sneak preview video.

From my LinkedIn profile, you’ll see I’m connected to nearly 1,000 Chief Information Security Officers. I likely already know your next CISO. Beyond that, our industry-disrupting approach yields:

  • the best possible candidate fit
  • lower cost than outmoded traditional approaches
  • huge time savings for all employer job stakeholders
  • a nearly 100 percent retention rate backed by a one year replacement guarantee

So, because we know CISOs and you now know us, how can we help you?

IT’s All About the People

Video Transcript

Technologies come and go. The common variable is always the people. It’s always about the people. Dignity, integrity and excellence. We want to nurture the dignity of every person that we come into contact with at Ambassador Solutions.

We are one of the few firms that is going to make what’s most important to you most important to us. It’s not just filling a roster spot; it’s being a trusted advisor in building a team. First the client’s team, then we fill the gaps with members of our team.

We are looking for character, competence and chemistry. We work very very hard to ensure that each of our candidates that we present to clients is a professional with impeccable character, with competence that has been proven through experience and education, and finally a professional that fits within the team that they’re going to find themselves in.

I see customers just spending more time than they need to. We want a place at the table with the CIO, looking at what the business needs us to do to get it where it’s trying to go. What are those strategic initiatives? What is the staffing plan that it takes to achieve that?

That is where we play to win their game, not ours. It’s their game. We are there to help our clients win.
