We Must Find A Way To Stay Calm and Dream On

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many believe the greatest athletic achievement in history took place on September 2, 2013 when a 64-year-old woman successfully completed her fifth attempt to swim from Havana, Cuba to Key West, Florida. This, without the protection of a shark cage in waters infested with life-threatening box jellyfish.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/5″][vc_single_image image=”13847″ img_size=”150×200″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/5″][vc_column_text]Her name is Diana Nyad and she’s my hero. Note to self-righteous: She’s a gay atheist. I’m a straight Christian. You gotta problem with that? #JesusLovesGays #JesusLovesAtheists #JesusHatesHypocrisy

Like most of us, Diana had a dream. To most of us, her dream was beyond crazy. No doubt, your dreams are considered crazy by many. So what. No doubt, as you live your present days in fear and isolation, it seems all you can do to simply Stay Calm And Social Distance On. Don’t fall into that crap trap. If you do, #FindAway out.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Yes, the loss of life and wealth is devastating. And yes, the worst is yet to come. I get it…I feel it…I hate it. It truly sucks to be us right now. But, I refuse to stop dreaming and implore you to do the same. In fact, I fervently believe new dreams are being formed within, and even because of, the nightmare we’re currently living.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”13846″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Don’t quit on your old dreams just because times are tougher than they’ve ever been. If it’s truly time to move beyond them, then you must by all means replace them. Why? Because when we stop dreaming, we stop living. And from this day until your last, you truly are #TooYoungToDie.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Ambassador Way –whatever IT takes!


Ambassador Solutions has been delivering IT staffing, recruiting and project solutions to primarily Midwestern clients for over 30 years.  Our value proposition is derived from three commitments we make to every client:

  1. Put client team first
  2. Live by our values
  3. Do whatever IT takes

Put the Client Team First
We make what’s most important to our clients most important to us –building their team…not ours.  When they need help filling a key fulltime roster position, Ambassador is there.  When a major project requires some specialized contract help, Ambassador is there.  When one of those specialized contractors becomes indispensable, Ambassador is there with:

  • Free Agent Guarantee
    • Every contractor we place with a client is a “free agent” under pre-determined terms and conditions by which the client can convert contractors to fulltime employees.  Clients appreciate not being held hostage by contractors they can’t live without who cannot be converted to employees. 
  • No Bench Policy
    • In today’s gig economy, carrying a bench of IT professionals is both expensive and unnecessary.  This cost is reflected in the bill rates of firms with significant numbers of billable employees on their bench.  Our bill rates have no bench burden factor built into them, because we have no bench…and that’s a good thing. 
  • No Square Pegs Promise
    • Firms carrying a bench of highly paid IT professionals are under constant pressure to deploy them quickly at the highest possible rate.  The temptation to put square peg personnel into round peg client requirements can be overwhelming.  The bigger the project, the greater the temptation to put under qualified people on it.  The absence of such pressure at Ambassador allows us to make a “No Square Pegs Promise” to our clients.  

Live By Our Values
Our values have served us and our clients very well in both the best and worst of times.  We felt so strongly about our Core Values, we etched them in Indiana limestone on the lobby wall of our corporate headquarters:

Core Values etched in Indiana limestone

We think of them as values to “D.I.E.” for –Dignity, Integrity and Excellence.  Each Core Value is illuminated by four Values in Action guiding our day-to-day operations.  To learn more about Ambassador’s values, please refer to our Culture Book

Do whatever IT takes!
Ambassador delivers excellence to our clients the way they want IT:

  • Perm, contract and contract-to-hire agreements
  • Insourced, Outsourced and Offshore delivery models
  • Solutions delivered at staffing prices
  • IT executive search

Whether you need a true IT pro, a major project or an IT executive to help determine your needs, Ambassador will do whatever IT takes to meet them.  That includes helping you meet your budget by providing all of our services at fair fees with performance guarantees.

Sound too good to be true?  Yeah, we get that a lot.  That’s why we make doing business with Ambassador as easy as
1-2-3, so…

Let’s get IT started

1 – First perm placement 50% off

2 – One-year replacement guarantee on all perm placements

3 – Two week risk-free guarantee on all staffing contracts

Need to justify adding a new vendor to your list?  If the three jump-starters above aren’t sufficient, just let us know what is and we’ll likely add it to the list.  Otherwise, “whatever IT takes!” would just be another catchy, but empty, slogan.  Not the Ambassador way.

So, let us know what IT takes to add your firm to our long list of very satisfied clients, then… let’s get IT started!           

Why Every Public Company Should Have a Cyber Security Executive on its Board

Catch the wave or be crushed by it…it’s up to you

A monstrous rogue wave of regulation will soon hit the boardrooms of every publicly traded company in America.  Those who catch it, could be in for the ride of their lives.  Those who don’t, may find themselves standing in the backwash wondering what hit them.  This post is about riding that wave to a better and brighter future for your company.   

Every CEO and Chairman of a publicly traded U.S. company should be aware of Senate Bill S.536 – Cybersecurity Disclosure Act of 2017 intended “to promote transparency in the oversight of cybersecurity risks at publicly traded companies”.  The details of the bill first introduced on March 7, 2017 don’t matter nearly as much as the dreaded “T word” (transparency) contained in its introduction.

Like it or not…for better or worse…the federal government will demand increasing degrees of transparency regarding the oversight of cybersecurity risks within publicly traded companies.  Why?  Because they correctly (in my opinion) perceive such risks to be a matter of national security in far too many cases.  Bummer.  Before shooting the messenger, please know as King-for-a-Day, I would abolish 80% of the federal regulations before my first White House luncheon, but not this one should it become law.   

A brief dive into the weeds of this bill reveals something all publicly traded company board members should be aware of.  Section 2(b)(1) within S.536 says:

“to disclose whether any member of the governing body, such as the board of directors or general partner, of the reporting company has expertise or experience in cybersecurity and in such detail as necessary to fully describe the nature of the expertise or experience”

Meaning, our beloved Uncle Sam with both his and our best interests at heart, is fast coming to believe proper cybersecurity risk mitigation requires board level expertise.  Uncle believes this so fervently he’s determined to make it a legal requirement.  And I for one believe he will succeed…and hope he does.  However, that is not why I support the spirit and intent of Senate Bill S.536.

I believe there should be a seat on every publicly traded company’s board occupied by an outside, independent and currently active cyber security executive.  Why?  Because a primary purpose of any board of directors is to mitigate risk and cybersecurity represents a significant (and increasing) risk to every company.  No exceptions.  Boards that minimize or ignore this fact assume risks that should be unacceptable to shareholders and will soon be unacceptable to regulators. 

Mine is not a gloomy forecast, however.  Companies stand to benefit greatly by being proactive in securing a top-flight cybersecurity executive for their board.  Those who wait and see will see their candidate pool diminish quickly.  The bigger the company, the bigger this problem becomes.  A Fortune 100 firm should be seeking someone from a non-competing firm of similar or greater size.  The viable candidate pool for such a firm is already very limited.  There’s much to lose by waiting and much to gain by acting before the government forces you to. 

I further believe that adding a cybersecurity executive (a.k.a. CISO) to the board should be the single most cost-effective risk mitigation move any company can take.  In the short run, the company may need to create an additional seat for the CISO.  Over time, however, the board should be reconstituted and could revert to its original number of seats.  By simply not replacing the next member set to roll off the board, the cost of the new CISO seat is nil.  Keep in mind, many CISOs (particularly those in larger firms) bring much more than cyber security expertise to the table.   

What would be the primary responsibilities of a CISO board member?

  • Provide strategic oversight of the firm’s cybersecurity function
  • Collaborate with and provide guidance to firm’s cybersecurity leader
  • Explore ways to leverage firm’s cybersecurity expertise by crafting and promoting a Unique Security Selling Proposition (USSP)™

Firms searching for a CISO board member should look for someone:

  • Outside the firm, because it’s too important to leave all cybersecurity risk in the hands of any single insider
  • Independent from all other board members and executives
    • Cannot be referred by anyone within the firm
    • Free to tell board what they need to know, particularly when they don’t want to hear it
  • Currently acting in the top cybersecurity executive role within a non-competing firm of similar size as measured by number of employees (cybersecurity risk is more closely correlated to number of employees than revenue)

I’m tempted to add “battle-tested major breach experience” to the above list, but that would unfairly punish candidates who have done an exemplary job of avoiding major breaches.  The challenge lies in determining if such candidates are very good at their jobs or just very lucky.  Such challenges and the need for absolute independence from all fellow members and executives is among the many reasons to consider hiring a firm specializing in cybersecurity executive board member searches…a firm like Ambassador Solutions.

But wait, let’s flip the script before starting that search.  Every public company should encourage their top cybersecurity executive to be on at least one board of a non-competing company of similar size.  The experience gained by doing so could prove invaluable to his/her employer.  And please, don’t force your CISO to burn PTO days while getting an invaluable education at another company’s expense.  If you feel you must, have your CISO attend one less industry conference in exchange for the four days per year board duties will likely require.  Now that’s a tremendous value proposition, don’t you think?

Speaking of tremendous value propositions, you will be very pleased with ours.  To schedule a 15 minute CISO search discovery call, Contact us today to catch the wave tomorrow!

From Success to Significance: This hero’s story just might change yours

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]

I first met my hero in the spring of my freshman year of college. He came to the Indiana University Bloomington campus to give a series of three talks to a packed house in the IU Auditorium. No doubt, many students were attracted by the provocative title of talk #3 —Maximum Sex. Not me, though I certainly had more than a passing interest in the topic. Having recently met the speaker’s hero, I was primarily there to learn all I could about him. In the process, the speaker became my hero.

That speaker was Josh McDowell. Josh didn’t know he’d been my hero for nearly forty-four years until I had the privilege of telling him so at the Rainmakers Christian Professionals event in Indianapolis on February 15, 2019. What an honor to know someone who has walked his talk so fiercely and faithfully, always pointing his millions of readers and listeners to his true hero. Never using his tragic childhood story as an excuse to settle for a successful life.  Instead, using it to motivate himself and others to strive for true significance that goes beyond worldly success. Significance that changes the course of human history and echoes into eternity.

“People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find,
once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.”
— Thomas Merton

One of Josh’s favorite stories to share with business people is about a very successful executive recruiter in Chicago.  During a meeting at the recruiter’s lavish office, Josh asked him what the secret to his success was.  The recruiter gleefully told him his favorite technique for determining if his candidates had what it takes to be successful.  With a gleam in his eye, he said, “Josh, the key is to get them to relax and let their guard down.  So, I bring them into this comfortable room we’re sitting in, put my feet up on the table like this and serve them several of their favorite adult beverages.  Just when the candidate is starting to think of me as their best friend, I quickly take my feet off the table, lurch towards the candidate, look him/her straight in the eye and ask —“What’s your purpose in life?”.

You might be surprised to know that most of the candidates stumbled badly over this fundamental question…begging another.  How is it that most brilliant, highly-educated and successful-by-any-measure executives cannot articulate a cogent life purpose when pressed to do so?  Is it because their work is not connected to their purpose or because they simply have no purpose?  Hold that thought.  There was one candidate who didn’t miss a beat in answering the recruiter’s challenging question.  With equal passion, he leaned forward, looked the recruiter square in the eye and said, “Go to heaven and take as many people with me as I can”.  With that, the recruiter was now the one at a loss for words.

What about you?  Do you find yourself at a loss for words in those quiet early morning or late night hours when you dare pause to ponder your purpose?  Or, do you see such ponderings as a luxury you simply cannot afford?  After all, you’re surrounded by people who look to you as their elixir fixer, demanding relief from pain and solutions to problems.  But, shouldn’t our true purpose lead us to become something more than a human pill dispenser or quick-fix handyman?  My hero, Josh, thinks so.  Having met both Josh and his hero forty-four years ago, I’d have to agree.

Josh’s hero?  He’s so much More Than A Carpenter, but that book would be a great way for you to meet Him.  His story just might change yours.  Whether you long for success or, having achieved it, find yourself wondering if that’s all there is, I invite you to do as Josh did over fifty years ago and consider the carpenter’s claims.  In the process, you just might discover your life’s purpose and begin experiencing the true joy of choosing significance over success.

Skeptical?  That’s a great start!  No one was more skeptical than Josh McDowell when he set out to debunk the Bible and the central tenets of the Christian faith.  After all, knowing why you don’t believe something is just as important as knowing why you do, particularly when that something could determine your eternal destiny.

I was only 18 years old when I met Josh and his hero, Jesus, but I will never forget the day His story started changing mine.  My life changed dramatically that day (April 13, 1975).  How do I know?  As my hero, Josh, is wont to say, “because I was there”.  You could be too.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

It’s time to man-up and stand on the life side of history



The 1:21 AM text from one of our five married children simply said, “Weeping. It’s pure evil”. Knowing this particular child’s unbridled passion for the sanctity of human life, I had little doubt about the subject of the link accompanying the text. My instincts were correct –“The Reproductive Health Act of Horror”. On the the 46th anniversary of the controversial Roe v. Wade decision, in a legal act of horror that will live in infamy as “RHA”, New York State legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, including dilation.

Americans now live in a country that is seconds and centimeters away from newborn babies being inspected in the delivery room by their parents who are then free to dispose of him or her for virtually any reason. I speak for no one but myself when I say I cannot live with this morbid infanticide reality. At the end of my days, I must be able to look my wife, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and my God in the eye and say, “I did everything I possibly could to stop my Nation from sacrificing its children on the altar of convenience”.

That’s why I’m In Business For Life. That’s why I’m willing to risk offending many to save many more. That’s why I must be a voice for the voiceless…defender of the defenseless…advocate for the most innocent among us. And, that’s why I’m challenging every man in America to join me. That’s right, men, I’m calling you out.

But wait, aren’t we talking about the ultimate women’s issue? If abortion is a problem, isn’t it primarily a women’s problem? Besides, most women seem to take offense to men invading this very private and personal space…don’t they? Not really. Not when it matters most. According to Heartbeat International, 61% of post-abortive women surveyed say they would have chosen life for their babies had a single significant male in their support system supported them in choosing to parent or place their child for adoption.

Single…significant…male. He doesn’t have to be the father. He just has to be a man willing to “man-up”, to look a single significant woman in the eye and say, “I stand with you AND your baby. We’ll figure it out…together”. He could be her father, brother, grandfather, uncle or just a trusted male friend. Who he cannot be is the man who shrinks when a child’s life is on the line, hiding behind this ultimate cop-out statement, “It’s your decision. I’ll support you in whatever you decide”. In his excellent book, “Abortion the Ultimate Exploitation of Women”, Brian Fisher says this “is the same as saying,  Go ahead and abort my child. I don’t care enough about you or the baby to protect either of you”. Leading me to say:

A woman’s right to choose gives those in her support system a right to an opinion which they express by providing or withholding support for “her choice“.

Begging the question, whose choice is it, really? When men act like men, the women in their lives feel secure and free to follow their hearts. The heart of a pregnant woman is naturally drawn to love and nurture the life growing within her. That is because maternal instincts are wired into every woman’s DNA. That is also why I have long believed that abortion is actually the ultimate men’s issue.

Men, there are few among us who have not or will not be directly or indirectly impacted by an abortion decision. What we say and do in those critical life and death situations will substantially define the kind of men we are. So I must ask you, what kind of man do you want to be? Do you want to stand tall on the life side of history or do you want to cower in the corner and watch as innocent lives continue to be destroyed? My fervent hope and prayer is that you will man-up and stand with me on the life side of history…starting today.

You may need to start by re-visiting a past abortion you were complicit in. This may eventually lead to contacting the one with whom you shared that experience. Doing so will take great courage and needs to be done very cautiously. I strongly advise you to seek professional counsel before broaching this very tender topic with a post-abortive woman, particularly one married to someone else. Until you feel genuine remorse for the role you played before and after the abortion and fervently desire her forgiveness, DO NOT contact her. Doing so will only add to her pain and prolong her wait for the freedom she desperately needs. To gain poignant insight into how she might be feeling, I encourage you to watch the excellent documentary featuring the stories of post-abortive women, Into My Arms. Another excellent resource is abortionexploitswomen.com.

No one died to appoint me or anyone else judge.

To post-abortive women reading this, thank you. Thank you for having the courage to start and the resolve to finish, though you may disagree with every word. If you accept nothing of what I say, please accept this. No one died to appoint me or anyone else judge. If you don’t regret your abortion, I am not called to convince you otherwise. Though I am willing to die for my unwavering pro-life convictions, I would rather die than be guilty of turning a single post-abortive woman (or man) away from the only One who can truly set them free. During my involvement with Pregnancy Help Centers over many years, I have seen countless women set free from the guilt and shame many suffer over a past abortion. Oft times one that occurred decades ago. It is never too late to lay that burden down. So please, if it is a burden, know that it is not one you need carry alone. Take the first step towards freedom by contacting your local Pregnancy Help Center.

Men, it is time for us to man-up and stop abandoning our women when they need us most. It’s time to right the wrongs of the past and do everything in our power to ensure they’re not repeated. The stakes are high, gentlemen. The future of our Nation hangs in the balance. Any nation that does not stand for the inalienable right to life of its most innocent and defenseless citizens, will inevitably fall. God forbid that it be on our watch. Please join me on the life side of history that it may never be so.

This article describes the “pure evil” our child was weeping over in the wee hours of the morning —RHA.

Because Everyone is Called to Create Something…Really!

Book Review:  Called to Create by Jordan Raynor

I loved so many things about Called to Create by Jordan Raynor, it was difficult to condense my thoughts into a concise and thoughtful review. Hopefully, I’ve come close to that objective. While Raynor unapologetically targets a Christian entrepreneurial audience, those who don’t turn to the Bible for business guidance would benefit greatly from the principles espoused in his book. Silicon Valley specifically would be a happier and healthier place if more tech company founders would take some of Raynor’s advice to heart, starting by accepting his simple definition of entrepreneur:

Anyone who takes a risk to create something for the benefit of others

Raynor sets out to answer nine specific questions he proposes anyone called to create should endeavor to answer, like:

1. What are the right questions to ask when discerning where God has called me to work?
2. How does recognizing my work as a calling from God change my motivations for creating, what I create, and how I create it?
3. What is the purpose of profit?

Before answering any of these questions, Raynor frames the answers within the context of seeing God Himself as the creator of entrepreneurialism. He notes the God of the Bible is initially introduced as the Creator God who “brought something out of nothing. He brought order out of chaos. God was the first entrepreneur”. He also dispenses with the common errant notion that work is God’s way of punishing mankind for their sins. Rather, Raynor describes work as a gift from God that existed before sin entered the world (Genesis 2:15).

The chapter entitled, Discerning Our Calling, begins with a definition of work so counter-cultural and compelling, I include it here in its entirety:

“Work is not, primarily, a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do.

It is, or it should be, the full expression of the worker’s faculties,
the thing in which he finds spiritual, mental and bodily satisfaction,
and the medium in which he offers himself to God”
– British novelist Dorothy Sayers

“It’s never been cooler to be an entrepreneur”, says Raynor, “but cool doesn’t equal calling”. To discern the difference, the wildly successful and deeply spiritual entrepreneurs he interviewed for his book asked themselves these questions:

1. What am I passionate about?
2. What gifts has God given me?
3. Where do I have the greatest opportunity to love others?

Love others? “What’s love got to do with it?”, you ask. A great deal, according to Raynor. He convincingly suggests that the First Entrepreneur created the world and humankind for two primary reasons –to reveal His character and demonstrate His love. So, if His co-creators are to follow suit, love should be a prime motivator for everything they create. In so doing, they also reveal God’s primary character trait…loving.

When it comes to co-creating, Raynor says, “to God, motives matter a great deal”. In other words, in God’s economy, why we create is as important as what we create. Perhaps more so. The creators of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) found this out the hard way. They chose to use breakthrough brick making technology to build a tower to the heavens “so that we might make a name for ourselves”. Big mistake. Raynor observes that “when we create to make a name for ourselves, we are attempting to rob God of the glory that is rightfully his”.

Thanks to this ancient creative misstep, anthropologists are still discovering new languages. Other than the good folks at Rosetta Stone and their creatively named upstart competitor, Babbel, most of us would prefer to communicate with anyone from anywhere without a translator. Closer to home, Raynor contrasts Walt Disney’s motives with those of J.S. Bach. While the center of Walt Disney World is a statue of its creator, Walt himself, every Bach composition ended with the phrase, Soli Deo Gloria, meaning “glory to God alone”.

For those sincerely wanting to integrate their faith into their business, Raynor exhorts readers to:

“Strive for excellence in all you do AND prioritize people over profits”.

He cites Chick-fil-A as a well-known example of a company that consistently does this because their founder, Truitt Cathy, would accept nothing less. Contrast that to Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX fame about whom a former employee said, “What was clear is that people who worked for him were like ammunition: used for a specific purpose until exhausted and discarded.” Raynor goes on to say, “There is perhaps no clearer way for Christians to set themselves apart from the world than by prioritizing people over profits.”  His many stories about those who have built very large and profitable businesses while prioritizing people over profits are truly inspiring.

In the Challenges chapter, Raynor introduces another counter-intuitive success formula:

Hustling + Trusting = Resting

This was perhaps the single most valuable take-way for me personally. Being a co-creator with The Creator does not exempt us from the need to hustle, as memorialized within the start-up culture and commended throughout Scripture (Colossians 3:23). However, true co-creators will balance this with trust in their God who commands them to “…not say to yourself, “My power and might of my own hand have gotten me this wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:17-18). So how does hustling and trusting lead us to rest?  Raynor suggests that by hustling to do our best, then trusting God with the rest, then and only then can we find the true rest “we are all craving”. He sums it up by asking, “How do we know if we are trusting in God rather than ourselves? Perhaps the best indicator is whether or not we are at rest”.  Having been in the world of entrepreneurial terror for over thirty years now, I must confess that following this formula is still a daily struggle for me.  Yet, I fully embrace the notion that my ability to rest while hustling is a key indicator of my level of trust in God.

I warned you. To read Called to Create is to attempt taking a cup of cool creative water from a fire hose. It simply cannot be done. No matter how many cups you bring, you will leave with each overflowing. And, you will likely find yourself returning many times for a refreshing refill, as have I.

One final observation for those entrepreneurs or wannabes who don’t see the world through lenses of faith. Don’t make the mistake of looking past this book for that reason.  In fact, that’s precisely why you should read it. I predict you will find it quite provocative to see faith through the lenses of entrepreneurialism, as Raynor so poignantly portrays it. What do you have to lose besides a little time along with the heartburn and headaches that following Raynor’s battle-tested advice could possibly spare you?

For a free copy of Called to Create and a chance to meet author, Jordan Raynor, you are invited to join me and hundreds of others at the Multiply Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 8th and 9th.

Join Us at CISOnation: United We Stand Secure

We at Ambassador Solutions are excited to share our new community of InfoSec executives–CISOnation.   We’re working together to keep our organizations’ information safe and secure, while leveraging our InfoSec assets to formulate a Unique Security Selling Proposition™! The Equifax “Mother Of All Breaches” (MOAB) shows us the risk of not being secure or prepared is greater than ever. That’s where the CISOnation comes in.

The CISOnation is all about the people, products and services required to address the No. 1 threat to our nation’s future—and therefore every organization within it. We connect companies with InfoSec executives, including corporate boards who increasingly need an outside CISO perspective on the business.  We are all about the people who stand vigilantly as watchmen on the cyber walls that must protect us.

An important part of our mission is helping organizations develop their Unique Security Selling Proposition™ (USSP™). Having a USSP™ that leverages InfoSec assets will help forward thinking firms separate themselves from their competition. It’s time to play offense with cyber security.

We Know CISOs: IT’s All About the People!

Few jobs are more challenging than being a CISO in America today. The hours can be brutal and the pressure relentless. Because the bad guys never sleep, the CISO sleeps fitfully through nights that are all too short. Rising before the sun, he/she pours a cup of coffee and begins pouring over the reports that reveal just how bad the bad guys were during the night….

How do we know? Because we know CISOs. We’re already connected to nearly 1,000 CISO candidates across the country and will triple that number by year-end. We not only help organizations find the right CISO for them, but then we serve those CISOs with downstream products and services that help them excel in their positions.

We’re here to serve the CISOs of America and those who cannot survive without them. We have the tools and the people to help CISOs stay on top of the latest best practices. If you’re a CISO or aspiring to be, we invite you to join us at CISOnation.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you find the right company and create your own USSP™. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest CISO news, then reach out to our founder, Brad Lindemann, via LinkedIn so you can learn more about CISOnation where … United We Stand Secure!

Cybersecurity News



Bloomberg on Equifax Hack

So much has and will be said about this MOAB (Mother Of All Breaches), we won’t attempt to further expound here. Just wanted to make sure the CISOnation saw this well done and comprehensive piece by Bloomberg.

Read Article

Cybersecurity Disclosure Act of 2017 (S.536)

Whether S.536 every becomes law or not, public and large private company boards will soon be adding external CISOs to their boards voluntarily. If I chaired such a board today, I would not only do that, but I would require that our internal CISO sit on another company’s board to broaden his/her InfoSec horizons.

Learn More

Product Spotlight: DEFCON CYBER™

Indy’s own, DEFCON CYBER™, is a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and compliance platform.  It vigilantly monitors InfoSec environments according to Best Practices (National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework), then alerts customers according to their priorities to better protect their information.  This is achieved by:

Discovering the unknowns in InfoSec operations and measuring the risk of time to resolve problems, such as:

  • Asset Management: Servers operating in a distributed environment going unnoticed because they’re not on anyone’s inventory list
  • Prioritization: Notifications of devices plugging into networks not getting immediate attention
  • Awareness: Unaware of machines not loaded with the corporate antivirus software
  • Resource: 14 system dashboards being monitored by one person

Applying decision-making logic and context to formalized response workflows and enabling informed remediation prioritization.

Reconciling the critical notifications of multiple security technologies by connecting the organization’s business cybersecurity risk strategy (represented by its prioritized best practice outcomes which overlays industry controls such as ISO 27000, COBIT, NIST 800-53, etc) with the existing security technologies it has in place.

Correlating and rationalizing data from multiple security sensors to save time and resources.

Prioritizing security operations’ incidents, automating and tracking response and remediation, while measuring the related risk.   For more information on how DEFCON CYBER™ works, download their “How it works” PDF.

Learn more about DEFCON CYBER™.

For a personal introduction to a DEFCON CYBER™ representative, please contact us.

Upcoming Product Spotlight: AppGuard

We’re doing due diligence on this product and would welcome input from anyone with insight or experience with it…or the people behind it.

Learn more about AppGuard.

If you have experience with AppGuard, please contact us.

Why every CISO should be on an outside company’s board

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Brad Lindemann, CEO of Ambassador Solutions and Founder of the CISOnation. Today, I want to talk about why every CISO in America should be on the board of at least one company other than their employer.

If you’re not aware of pending U.S. Senate Bill S.536, the Cybersecurity Disclosure Act of 2017, you should be. It effectively mandates that each of our 4,000 plus publicly-held U.S. corporations has a CISO on its board of directors. Whether it becomes law or not, we don’t have to look further than the recent Equifax fiasco to see the wisdom of such a mandate. After all, every CISO I’ve ever spoken with believes that our nation’s greatest threats are coming at us via cyberspace.

When a CISO assumes an outside board seat, both their employer and board benefit from the additional knowledge gained and transferred. Such a move will also be a career catalyst for the CISO, never mind the nice boost in income. The median pay for an independent board member of an S&P 500 company is over $255,000 per year, according to a 2016 Fortune study of data from MyLogIQ and regulatory filings (Fortune 2/24/16).

Here’s what I believe companies should be looking for in a CISO board member:

  • current employment at a public company, if the company is public,
  • someone with an employer in a non-competing business of similar or larger size and scope,
  • a person who hasn’t been referred by any company executive or board member, because his or her seat must be the most independent of all,
  • someone who has been battle-tested by having lived through a significant breach,
  • excellent communications skills,
  • a person who is business savvy,
  • board room experience with their current employer, and
  • a spotless background-check.

This is why we’ve added CISO board members to our executive search offerings, and why we welcome every member of the CISOnation as a potential candidate. Also, don’t limit your thinking to public companies. Private companies will also begin to see the wisdom of CISO board membership.
